Right of complaint accessories, spare parts and outdoor

When you buy accessories, spare parts or outdoor products, your right to complain is governed by the sales legislation in the country where the product was bought. On this page, we explain how our warranty process works, what you need to be aware of, and how to make a complaint.

What does the warranty include?

The right to complain applies in accordance with the Sales of Goods Act in the country where the product was purchased.

The original purchase receipt with date is valid as proof.

What does the warranty not cover?

The right of complaint does not cover normal wear and tear, and it is a prerequisite that the damage did not occur because of incorrect use of the product or other damage-causing behaviour on your part. Likewise, it is a prerequisite that the damage did not occur because of lack of compliance with our instructions, including manuals on instruction, operation, maintenance, or service.

How can I make a complaint, and what can I expect?

If you wish to make a complaint, please fill out the form below. Complaints are only processed based on a completed form. Please have the purchase date ready.

Fill in claim form

You will receive a confirmation of your inquiry and, subsequently, a response via email. We will process the complaint as quickly as possible.