How to succeed with your Aduro wood burning stove
Here, you will find the answers to some of the frequently asked questions about Aduro wood burning stoves. If you don’t find the answer to your questions here, we have collected all the answers in our customer service center.
What are the distance requirements?
It is important that the placement of your Aduro wood burning stove complies with the current rules and standards for installation of wood burning stoves.
If the stove is positioned against a brick wall or other non-flammable material, there are no minimum distance requirements. To facilitate cleaning and for the best use of the convection air, we recommend that you leave a distance of approximately 5-10 cm to the wall.
Only when the stove is placed near by flammable materials, a distance is required. Find the manual for your Aduro wood burning stove here to see the distance requirements for your stove. If you don´t fell sure about the requirements, ask your dealer, your local authorities, or your chimney sweeper. You and the fitter have full responsibility for making sure, that the installation of the stove complies to the existing rules. Furthermore, the chimney sweeper must make an approval of the stove and installation before use.
Do I need a floor hearth?
If the wood burning stove is to be placed close to flammable material such as a wooden floor or a carpet, it must be placed on a non-flammable base. The floor hearth should extend for at least 30 cm in front of the wood burning stove and 15 cm on each side. Aduro offers a range of floor hearths. See more here.
My stove offers both top and rear outlet – what should I choose?
If you already have a hole in the wall or ceiling from a previous installation, it makes sense to mount your new stove to the same outlet if possible. If your stove is your very first, and it provides possibilities for both top and rear outlet, you can read about the advantages below:
The advantage of rear outlet to a brick chimney is that the flue pipe is hidden behind the stove since you only need a short smoke outlet at the back. When connected with a rear outlet, the stove is therefore simpler in its appearance.
The advantage of top outlet is that the stove often will get a better draft and thus a better combustion. If you choose top outlet and extend with one meter of uninsulated flue pipe, it is also possible to increase the efficiency of the stove by 5-7%, as you keep the heat in the room instead of directing it away into the chimney.
How do you connect the stove to a brick chimney?
If the stove is to be mounted to a brick chimney, use the rear outlet (or an elbow rounded flue pipe via the top outlet). Use a flue pipe with a diameter of 150 mm. for Aduro wood burning stoves.
If the height of the stove’s rear outlet matches your current installation hole, you can use this, if not, measure for a new hole. A new hole is then made in the chimney, where wall sleeve is placed and walled up tightly with fireplace mortar.
Then you place the stove and mount the pipe. A thin gasket is placed between the flue and wall sleeve to seal the joints. The flue pipe must reach 5-10 cm into the wall sleeve - but be aware that it doesn´t block the hole in the chimney.
Stoves designed for wall mounting must be mounted on a non-flammable wall. It cannot be mounted directly onto brick chimneys without insulated chimney elements or directly onto insulated chimney elements as illustrated below:

Read more about the function and significance of the chimney here.
Can several stoves be connected to the same brick chimney?
Yes. However, you must be aware of the existing requirements and guidelines before planning this type of installation. Whether the installation is possible will always be an assessment in the specific case. It is therefore our recommendation that you contact your chimney sweeper and fitter to get their assessments.
Frequently asked questions about firing
Which wood is best suited for firewood?
We recommend using chopped birch- or beechwood that has been stored outside under a roof for at least 1 year. Wood that has been stored inside tends to become to dry and burn up fast.
It is best to chop the wood in the winter when the moisture level is low. Chop the wood in pieces of approx. 10 cm in “diameter”. The length of the wood log depends on the size of the combustion chamber in the stove. Most new wood burning stoves have a 33-40 cm wide combustion chamber.
To achieve the best burning the moist in the wood must not be more than 18%, which can be achieved by storing the wood outside under a roof for 1 year. To measure the moisture in the wood, you can use a moisture meter. You can also put dishwasher liquid on one end of the wood and blow in the other end - if soap bubbles occur then the wood is dry and ready to use. Follow this guide.
How to light the stove?
How you start your fire is very important in achieving a quick and effective combustion. We have put together the best tips for lighting a fire in this guide.
How to fire in the stove?
To get the best combustion you need to regulate the effect with the firewood. Little pieces of wood give a heavier combustion than large pieces of wood. The combustion is also affected by the amount of wood in the combustion chamber. For a normal use, you should not load more two pieces of wood at a time. If you want a heavy effect, you can load more wood into the stove.
When you reload wood into the stove, you must open the primary air damper below the door until the fire is burning well. To make optimal use of the wood, you can wait to reload firewood until the embers are so small, that it is necessary to open the primary air damper for approx. 2 minutes to get the fire started with the new pieces of firewood.
To reduce the risk of ash sprinkling on the floor when you open the door, it is a good idea to open the primary air damper below the door for about 1 minute before you open the door. This will create a stronger draft in the stove and thereby reduce the risk of ashes sprinkling on the floor.
How do I improve the draft in the chimney?
It is necessary to have a correct chimney draft to get an optimal combustion in the stove. The draft must be about 15 Pascal. The chimney draft will not be optimal before the chimney is hot. To heat the chimney, you can try prolonging the kindling period by using a lot of kindling sticks and 1-2 firelighter blocks. When there is a layer of embers, put 2-3 dry wood logs on the fire.
The chimney draft can also be improved with a more permanent solution by installing the smoke exhauster Aduro DraftOptimizer.
If the chimney is to low, not tight enough or poorly isolated, it can cause problems with the chimney draft. In these cases, it is necessary to repair the current chimney or to install a new one (the chimney sweeper can assess this).
Read more about the function and significance of the chimney here.
When should the gaskets be replaced?
Over time, the gaskets wear out and should therefore be checked regularly. If they are leaky, they should be replaced, as it is essential that the stove is tight. In addition, check regularly that the gaskets stay in place so that no smoke escapes from the stove.
How do I remove soot on the glass?
Moist firewood, poor draft in the chimney and wrong operation of the wood burning stove can cause soot stains on the glass. The soot is easily removed with a damp cloth which you dip in cold ashes from the stove and then rub on the soot stains. Special cleaning products to remove soot from the glass are also available, e.g., the Aduro Easy Clean sponge. The sponge neither scratches nor damages the surface of the glass and can be used several times. It is not necessary to use water or detergent. You can buy Aduro's cleaning products here.
How do I adjust the door?
Adjusting the door and the closing mechanism is a necessary part of the maintenance of the stove, which you can easily do yourself. If the door hangs on one side, feels sluggish to close or does not close properly, you should adjust and tighten the hinges and fittings around the door. Find a guide in our customer service center.
How is the combustion chamber maintained?
The insulation tiles in the combustion chamber wear naturally during use and should be replaced when cracks more than half a centimeter wide appear. The durability of the tiles depends on how often and how intensively the stove is used. You can replace the tiles yourself, which are available as a ready-to-use sets. You can buy the sets at
To maintain the insulating power, it is also important to replace the vermiculite baffle plate at the top of the combustion chamber when it has worn down to ½ thickness. Small cracks have no effect on the insulation power.
How often should ashes be removed?
You should empty the ash drawer between usages before it gets full. If ash accumulates in the ash drawer, it can block the air supply and reduce the performance of the stove. Also, remember to clean the room where the ash tray is located.
Always leave a layer of ash in the stove, as this insulates the combustion chamber and makes it easier to light the stove the next time.
How do I clean the wood burning stove?
The stove’s surface is best cleaned by being vacuumed with a small, soft mouthpiece or dusted with a soft, dry cloth. Do not use spirit or other solvents since it will remove the paint. The wood burning stove must not be cleaned with water.
Cleaning of the wood burning stove's interior and flue pipe should be done annually or more often in relation to how often the wood burning stove is used. This work can also be done by your chimney sweeper.
Can the surface be repaired when worn?
Aduro wood burning stoves are painted with a heat-resistant spray paint which can withstand temperatures of up to 500 degrees.
The spray paint is solvent free which means that it does not adhere as well as other types of paint, and that the stove thus has a less resistant surface. The advantage of this type of paint is that it is super easy to refresh the stove yourself or repair a scratch in the surface. Anyone can do this and achieve a great result. Read here how to varnish the stove yourself.